27th of April 2021

Wonderfully, since my last bit of news last year, my poem The Choir that was published in Token magazine, was set to music by my friend Jake Alexander. It became The Hive, and was performed by the choir I wrote it about! The very exciting World Premiere of this performance is this Friday the 30th of April. Come and listen - you'll see and hear me singing on it (though you won't be able to tell which is me)!

13th of March 2020

Launch Day! I couldn't make it to the launch itself due to having to self isolate :-( But the magazine is now out in the world and available to buy here!

17th of February 2020

Just a teaser...click this link to see the cover revealed of the soon-to-be published TOKEN magazine, and a mention of my poem...I can't wait for the launch party! 

10th of January 2020

I'm super excited to say that a poem of mine The Choir will be featured in the March issue of the wonderful TOKEN magazine. Watch this space for more details!

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